Saturday, July 6, 2013

a few nerves... mostly excitement

Good morning~
I woke this morning thinking about traveling to Zambia.  I'm a little bit anxious but mostly excited!  Time must be approaching quickly... I'm feeling pressure about making sure that our family is ready to leave.  Not only physically ready, but spiritually and emotionally too.

We found out this past weekend that our team has met our financial goal!  Isn't that amazing?  God is faithful.  As I've been praying these past few months, I've been praising Him that He can be nothing but faithful!  I'm so thankful for that.  Life can be so up and down and I'm thankful for the trust that I can put in God's faithfulness.  I just found out this morning that we need to get the yellow fever vaccine.  That is very expensive, and we are bummed about having to get it.  But I am thankful for an answer in my email box that was very decisive.  (There was quite a bit of confusion about if this shot was necessary or not.)  God is faithful and He knew that when we booked our flights through South Africa that we would need this shot... so I will trust in His plan and hold loosely to our finances.  We are still needing to save for traveling expenses.  But I trust that God has this under control too.

I wanted to share another example of God's blessing on our family as we prepare for Zambia.  We just recently got our immunizations (all of them except Yellow Fever).  As I was getting information about what we needed to get and making the appointment for our family to go to a travel clinic, I somehow managed to call 2 different travel clinics (I did not realize this).  I did think it was strange to be quoted two different prices for a consultation.  One place said it would be $65/person.  Another place said it would be a $98 group fee.  I just thought, "Huh, maybe the group fee is something the first person didn't know about." (I was still thinking this was one clinic.)  Well, as time went on, it was brought to my attention that there were in fact two different travel clinics and I'd better call the clinic we had our appt. at to clear up the consultation price. $65/person (6 people in our family) vs. $98 is quite significant!  After being on hold for a few minutes with the clinic that has the $98 group fee, the woman came back on the phone and pleasantly said, "Well, it looks like it will be $98."  I couldn't believe it and asked why it was so drastically different than the other place.  She said, "Actually, it is supposed to be $98/person, but because you were quoted a $98 group fee we will stand by it".  I couldn't help but smile and say, "Well, that is God's blessing to our family, isn't it?"  She laughed and said, "Yes, it is."  That saved our family $500!  The immunizations were still plenty expensive, but God has been so good to us.

It's been a humbling experience to raise support for our family to travel together.  We've seen God provide for us over and over again.  I want to say Thank You to each of you who have supported us financially, but also Thank You to each of you who are lifting our family up in prayer.  We don't know exactly how we will be different when we come home from Zambia.  I know we need the finances to get there.  But we need the prayer for our hearts to be ready.  We will be changed in some way and we want to be soft to whatever God's plan is.

Blessings ~ Erin

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