Monday, July 22, 2013

Just a little more practice...

The countdown is on!  We have just 19 days until we leave.  We made a paper chain to help with our countdown.  It is exciting to see it getting shorter and shorter!

Next Sunday we are going to start taking our malaria medicine.  It's a natural medicine and we have to take it for 14 days before we leave, the whole time we are in Zambia and then for 14 days after we return.  Now for some this is not a big deal, but for our kids, especially our 2nd born daughter it is worse than getting a shot :)  You see, this malaria medication involves swallowing a pill, and it is pretty big.  And for our daughter, she cannot swallow even the tiniest pill.  She detests medicine and I avoid giving it to her at all costs.  She will throw up taking tylenol and if she ever has to take an anti-biotic I have to give her several pep talks and a milkshake :)  It's really a frustration for both of us.

So, here we are, just a week away from taking medication for the next 42 days and she is practicing swallowing tic-tacs.  And praise God, she finally did it this morning!  It took her two tic-tacs and about 15 minutes of encouragement but she did it.  So, will you please pray with us that during this week, with just a little more practice she might be able to swallow the "pill" with no problem, so the bigger malaria medicine will not be so intimidating?  Thank you in advance for your prayers.  And if you have any suggestions for how she might have an easier time swallowing a pill feel free to let us know :)

Believe it or not our youngest child learned pretty quickly how to swallow his tic tac and now just likes practicing because it tastes good...

Also, we are scheduled to get our Yellow Fever shot on Wednesday of this week.  We will all be glad when this is over.  It has been a frustrating experience to not know if this vaccination was necessary and how expensive it is.  But again, we are trusting that God has a plan for this and I am going to let it go now and not complain about the circumstance anymore.

Blessings ~ Erin


  1. Well, our daughter is able to swallow the malaria medication. But now it's our son that is psyching himself out. He swallowed the first pill yesterday, but today it is giving him problems. He spent 2 hours this morning trying to swallow it, we are both exhausted and it still is not swallowed. So, will you please pray for him? It's going to be a long 41 days if he can't get over the hump... I do believe God has this under control too, and he'll swallow it. Thanks for praying ~ Erin

  2. Hey Erin! I hope the pills are going down more easily now, and thank you for the update. Will continue to keep your family in prayer.

  3. Morning Ashley. Well, it is still a struggle to get the pill down. Yesterday, we discovered that a banana helps it to go down. But that was after an hour and a half of trying to swallow it. So, it's still a trial, but we're hoping for a better day today... God is able to help us with this too, isn't He?
